Last year when I had asked my crackheads to vote for my blog post, “100 Things To Try in L.A. Before You Die,” as blog post of the year in LA Weekly‘s Los Angeles Web Awards I had no idea that 1) it would actually win (although I hoped!) since L.A. is a huuuge city with a bazillion blogs covering it and 2) that my lil ol’ site would also get voted as the Best Drinking Blog in Los Angeles.
That may just be one of the coolest thing that has ever happened to me. Right up there with winning that Vespa. Hee!
The awards party is this Thursday but thank gawd we won’t be expected to make any speeches. So I’ll just give my thanks here.
Thanks so much to the readers who voted for it and a big grazie to the “team of expert judges from LA and SF’s online communities” who selected the winners. And huge thanks to my sister who gave me the idea to even submit my “100 Things” blog post to the contest and to my brother and his husband Chris for working tirelessly to fix my blog after it went down.
Of course there are some L.A. drinking blogs out there that I’d like to give a shout-out to because they’re awesome and full-on dedicated to the fine art of boozing. My compadres in cocktailing: The Liquid Muse, Thirsty in LA and RumDood.
BTW, remember how my blog was offline for a couple of weeks? Well it’s all part of the process. I’m planning a redesign soon! Keep an eye out.