So I’m supposed to be on hiatus for this month of November but turns out that blogging is my form of procrastination. In any case, to help me be good, I’ve enlisted the help of my friends and fellow bloggers to guest blog while I’m “out.”
Here’s a quick who’s who that may grow and/or change but please make these folks feel at home. Some of them are newbie bloggers, some of them don’t even have blogs, most of them have been my plus ones to many events. I just thought it would be cool to welcome a bunch of different voices here for a change.
@busybethf is a longtime friend and a new vlogger — BusyBethF channel on YouTube. A native Angeleno, she loves wine and food and all things yummy. That’s why she’s been my plus one for the past two AWFF events.
@fauxlahipster is an admittedly sporadic blogger for her site, Faux LA Hipster. In any case, she goes out more than I do and stays out longer, too. I dare anyone to try and keep up with this girl.
@tinynancer has her own fairly new blog called The Wanderkind about travel, food, etc. She’s very smart, opinionated and tiny. Plus she actually cooks and I always try to get her to write about her adventures in the kitchen because sometimes they’re pretty funny.
@foodmarathon actually has his own blog, Food Marathon, where he goes on these amazing food marathons. We had collaborated on one earlier this year where it was all bars. Too fun and fuzzy. But he’ll be bringing one of his food adventures to CoC.
Mike Hudson actually doesn’t have his own blog but he does Twitter and blog for Intelligentsia in Venice where he also picks up the weekend shifts. Mike and I go way back as we used to work at the same 9-to-5er.
@bourbonandbleu had kindly volunteered to contribute. I had actually kept running into them at various bars in the city. Josh (Bourbon) and Heather (Bleu) showcase their L.A. booze and food experiences on their Bourbon & Bleu blog.
Kaelin Burns (aka @BurbankExaminer), of the L.A. Hungry? Guides as well as the Hungry? City blog and the Examiner, also volunteered for this little ol’ gig. Obviously she has ample experience reviewing restaurants and covering events.
In the meantime, I plan to still blog occasionally and will definitely keep an eye on things here, formatting the posts and such, but hopefully I’ll be a good girl and finish my off-blog project. Have a great rest of November!