Cocktail photo by Claire Barrett
Why should drinkers have all the fun this holiday season? And poor designated drivers, sitting there with their sad little sodas and chewed-on straws. Fortunately this month, Natalie Bovis-Nelsen (aka the Liquid Muse) — L.A. cocktail blogger extraordinaire and a certified mixologist — has come out with her first cocktail book for — wait for it — pregnant women. But the thing is if you’re not expecting, Preggatinis: Mixology for the Mom-To-Be ($16.95) with its 75 virgin cocktails is actually also a great recipe book when you want to whip up something for non-drinkers and designated drivers at your holiday parties. Hey, they should have something fun to drink, too.
For instance, Natalie’s Sparkling Pomegranate Snowflake drink served in a champagne flute would be a perfect addition to that champagne toast on New Year’s, not to mention the envy of champagne drinkers.
Sparkling Pomegranate Snowflake*
Fre® Brut alcohol-removed sparkling wine
1 teaspoon pomegranate seeds
Dash Stirrings blood orange bitters (optional)
1 ounce pomegranate juice
1/2 ounce lemon juice
1 sugar cubeRim champagne flute with sugar. Place 1 sugar cube into the bottom of a cocktail flute. Douse with bitters. Add pomegranate juice, lemon juice and top with alcohol-removed sparkling wine. Drop in pomegranate seeds.
What’s great about these recipes is that they even come with a de-virginize option so that everyone can enjoy the same cocktail — boozers and nondrinkers alike.
White Hot Mama (Heat Resistant Glass)*
1/2 teaspoon ground dried ancho chili powder
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
2 tablespoons white hot chocolate cocoa powder
1 teaspoon honey
1 cup whole milk
2 tablespoons caramel sauceDrizzle caramel sauce around the inside of a heat resistant mug, particularly around the inside of the rim. Mix the remaining ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a vigorous simmer, over medium heat. Then, reduce the heat and continue to simmer for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Let the mixture cool to slightly above room temperature and gently pour into the heat-resistant glass.
De-Virginize for Dad: White Hot Mama: Add 1 ounce of brandy and 1 ounce of white chocolate liqueur into the glass before adding the hot milk mixture.
Pregnant cocktail lovers longing for the day when they can drink again will love this book which also is organized by pregnancy stages and symptoms and includes sidebars about pregnancy and health. And even if you’re not in the family way, it’s a great resource to keep handy at your home bar.
Hopefully one day soon nonalcoholic cocktails will be available in bars everywhere.
Preggatinis, listed as one of the best cocktail books for 2008 by About.com, is available at Bar Keeper in Silver Lake or you can order it from Amazon.com.
*Excerpted from the book Preggatinis: Mixology for the Mom-To-Be by Natalie Bovis-Nelsen, copyright © 2009. Used with permission of The Globe Pequot Press.