The other day while I was waiting for a friend at South, I had ordered a Maker’s Manhattan. The trio of happy hour revelers sitting a few barstools down from me asked me what I was drinking as they were apparently intrigued that it came in a martini glass. When I told them, they went on to have a conversation amongst themselves. “That was my dad’s favorite drink,” the one woman told her friends. “He had a drinking problem.” H’well! I’m sittin’ right here! Whatev.
Why do people think whiskey is too hard-core for women to drink? Or that if you are a woman who drinks whiskey, you must be trying to fit in with the guys. In any case, the above is my growing list of favorite whiskeys. I say “growing” because just when I think I’ve found a favorite, another one pops up. So many yummy ones. As I’ve said before, I suggest visiting the whiskey aisle at Wally’s in West L.A. if you’re looking for help choosing a good one or check out a Scotch tasting at the Wine House.