Now that the marathon is over and done with, I’m ready to sign up for a half marathon! And the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in San Francisco in October has caught my eye. Unfortunately the event is so popular that they do a random lottery picking who gets to participate.
Anyway, I’m rounding up a group of people together so that we can register as a team since we’ll be Angelenos in a foreign land and it’ll be nice to know people there. So if you guys are looking to run with other SoCal folks (we don’t have to run the same pace or really run for that matter), you can always sign up under my email address carolineoncrack at gmail.com to be part of Team Crackhead. The only thing is that if our team doesn’t get picked then none of us run.
So why is this the half marathon I want to run (in addition to the City of Angels in December)? Because not only do we get to run through beautiful San Francisco (avoiding the steep, cable car hills thank gawd) but we also get the Tiffany’s version of a finisher’s medal handed to us at the finish line by a fireman dressed in a tux. Haayyy!
It is a woman-dominated race (20-to-1) but men are welcome, too. So guys, if you want to join the team, you’re more than welcome to sign up with us. Open registration started on March 4 and ends March 18 so register asap.
FYI, if we do get picked then Nike will charge your credit card $90. Confirmations should be sent out in April 1 or you can look on the Nike Women’s Marathon site on April 1 to see if you/we got in.
Maybe we can arrange a group carbo load dinner in North Beach the night before the race!