Realize Your Inner Robin Hood: Free Archery Lessons in Rancho Park

— by Caroline on Crack

Flickr shot by roo.db

One of my favorite classes in high school physical ed, apart from square dancing, was archery. I loved wearing the arm guard, making sure the string didn’t thwack my forearm and hitting a bull’s eye. I always felt like an Amazon or something–so empowering.

And imagine my joy when I discovered that Rancho Park in Cheviot Hills offers free safety and introduction archery classes at 11am on Saturdays and on the second Sunday of every month at 1:30pm in the rear of the park, near the bocce ball area and the dog park.

You can use the range’s equipment for free during open shooting on Saturdays 9-11am, Sundays 12-2pm and sometimes Mondays 7-9pm. But if you have your own gear you can shoot whenever the rec center is open.

I took the one-hour introduction class on a Saturday and was surprised to see all kinds of people show up, kids and old folks alike. The park provided everyone with arm guards, bows and arrows as well as an instructor who gave us tips on how to stand, hold up our bows and aim for the target. It was so fun! I swore to myself that I’d keep it up, one day buy my own fancy bow and arrows and become an expert archer. Heh, still working on that dream.

Rancho Park Archery Range
2459 Motor Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90064
(310) 839-1516